Friday, October 5, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm blondeee!!! Eeeeeppp!

BlondER at least. My hair used to be a light brown/ blonde color.
But now I got blonde highlights and it makes me look blonder!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

West Virginia pics

I took these while I was on the west viginia trip:


I did a little bit of modeling with one of my friends. Her mom is a photographer:)
And so we did a photoshoot downtown and I had a lot of fun:)
Here's a pic!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ghost Story

So while I was in West Virginia I was went into this cave that was used as a civil war camp. Confederate soldiers lived here during the war. Many of the soliders were killed in battle though and never returned to the cave.
Earlier today I was watching a ghost tv show and there was a picture with streaks of light throughout the room. They believed that these streaks of light were spirits.
Well I have some pictures similar to this taken while we were in the cave.
I don't know how to explain them though. The places where these streaks of lights are...were dark? There weren't any lights there...

What do you think?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I am still a horrible blogger

It's true...
But what can I do!
I've still been really busy with softball...and I'm injured:( I have a hyper-extended hamstring and oh my good god it hurts sooo bad!
But I keep playing. haha by the end of the season my leg with be so screwed up....oh well. Its worth it....most of the time.
Anyways...I've been working on my photography...
Take a look:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bahahaha I'm a horrible blogger

Well...I am.
I am a horrrriiibbbllle blogger.
I'm like never posting anything! I feel bad...
But Please, beloved readers, hear me out.
I've been soooo busy!
I have about 15 hours of softball a week- that is including games and practices. And now I have colorguard practices for 3 to 4 hours a week and on top of that I have all of my homework and school crap to deal with! It's insane!
My life is a mess right now.
I do NOT like it. I don't like being so busy with highschool stuff!
Ha! Everyone says High School is the best four years of your life.
Yeah? well Everyone lied.
I hate highschool.
It's quite horrible.

Anyways, on  a positive note my blog has made it past 1200 page views!!!!
Thanks so much!
I really appreciate it :)

Okay...well I'm off to finish my homework...blah.
Wish me luck! haha

